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Wider Achievement

SQA Awards are designed to recognise wider achievement and the development of skills which help learners to succeed in today’s world. Wider Achievement recognises the life and work skills that come from a range of activities which can include sport, mentoring, voluntary work or fundraising.

There are SQA Awards and other qualifications, which are suitable for a range of learners. Some Awards can be delivered alongside Youth Awards to give a nationally recognised SQA qualification, while others can be offered as part of Skills Development Scotland (SDS) employability fund contracts (subject to meeting SDS criteria).


Benefits to learners

When designing these Awards practitioners reported that skills which young people need go beyond subject knowledge and academic skills, and include a range of other abilities that help in the world of work and in everyday life.

These qualifications provide opportunities for learners to:

  • develop self-confidence and self-belief in what they can achieve

  • improve the 'soft skills' involved in communication and team working

  • gain transferable employability skills

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